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Mobile Modem tariff plan

(10GB + 10GB*)
(5GB + 5GB*)
(2.5GB + 2.5GB*)
Modem prepayment (Modem Rebate)
Apply to Cash payment only
($640 : $27 x 23-month + $19 x 1-month)
($1440 : $48 x 30-month)
(Max. download speed 7Mbps)
($20 x 24-month)
(Max. download speed 21Mbps)
($40 x 24-month)
(Max. download speed 42\Mbps)
($50 x 24-month)
Pocket Wi-Fi Pocket Wi-Fi 4G*
($580 : $24 x 23個月 + $28 x 1-month)
Pocket Wi-Fi 4G*
($1380 : $46 x 30-month)
Pocket Wi-Fi 7^
(Max. download speed 7Mbps)
($30 x 24-month)
Pocket Wi-Fi 21^
(Max. download speed 21Mbps)
($50 x 24-month)
Top-Up Pack Top-Up Pack 1 200MB - $40
Top-Up Pack 2 1GB - $90
* Terms and Conditions for NETVIGATOR 4G and Pocket Wi-Fi 4G Plan
- An extra 10GB/5GB/2.5GB data entitlement per month within fixed term for subscription during promotional period. Promotional period till further notice.
- $12 MTR/Tunnels/Mobile License/Adm Fee is not included
- Free 10GB uHub storage. Customer is required to register for uHub service via after NETVIGATOR Everywhere service is activated.
- Free 10GB uHub storage. Customer is required to register for uHub service via after NETVIGATOR Everywhere service is activated.
- Monthly Rebate is provided within contract period only
- NETVIGATOR 4G / Pocket Wi-Fi 4G Plan refers to a 4G-LTE mobile data service with a 100Mbps downlink and 35Mbps uplink network specification in those areas where we have appropriate coverage. In areas where we cannot provide 4G-LTE service, you will be provided with a 3G mobile data service which has 42Mbps downlink and 5.76Mbps uplink network specification. However, the actual speed that you experience when using either the 4G-LTE or 3G service will be significantly less than the network specifications and will be affected by your device, transmission technology, individual network and software used, network configuration and coverage, other extraneous factors. Our 4G-LTE network meets the standard of LTE laid down in 3GPP Release 8.
- The first month data entitlement is not pro-rate, however, first month monthly fee and monthly rebate is charged in pro-rate.
^ Terms and Conditions for NETVIGATOR 7/21/42 and Pocket Wi-Fi 7/21 Plan
NETVIGATOR 7/21/42 and Pocket Wi-Fi 7/21 20GB Plan
- An extra 10GB data entitlement per month within fixed term for subscription during promotional period. Promotional period till further notice.
- Free 10GB uHub storage. Customer is required to register for uHub service via after NETVIGATOR Everywhere service is activated.
NETVIGATOR 7/21/42 and Pocket Wi-Fi 7/21 5GB Plan
- An extra 2.5GB data entitlement per month within fixed term for subscription during promotional period. Promotional period till 31 March 2012.
- Free 5GB uHub storage. Customer is required to register for uHub service via after NETVIGATOR Everywhere service is activated.
- 24mth contract is required for all plan
- $12 MTR/Tunnels/Mobile License/Adm Fee is not included
- Monthly Rebate is provided within contract period only
- NETVIGATOR 7/21/42 Plans complies with USB Modem corresponds to a download speed specification of 7.2Mbps / 21.6Mbps / 42Mbps respectively, and a upload speed specification of 5.76Mbps. Pocket Wi-Fi 7/21 Plan complies with Wireless Modem corresponds to a download speed specification of 7.2Mbps / 21.6Mbps and a upload speed specification of 5.76Mbps. Actual speed enjoyed by customer will not be the same as the plan speed. Actual speed will be affected by the user’s device, transmission technology, individual network and software used, network configuration and coverage, usage levels and other extraneous factors.
- The first month data entitlement is not pro-rate, however, first month monthly fee and monthly rebate is charged in pro-rate.

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