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HK Mobi China-HK-Macau-Taiwan Prepaid SIM

Activation Offer and Card Information

  HK Mobi 365-day
Prepaid SIM
HK Mobi 2-day
China-HK-Macau Prepaid SIM
HK Mobi 3-day
China-HK-Macau Prepaid SIM
HK Mobi 7-day
China-HK-Macau Prepaid SIM
Mainland China,
Hong Kong,  Macau & Taiwan
Mainland China,
Hong Kong & Macau
Mainland China,
Hong Kong & Macau
Mainland China,
Hong Kong & Macau
Activation package
Mainland China, Macau & Taiwan Roaming Data: 12GB / 365 days
Mainland China & Macau Roaming Data:
Unlimited* / 2 days
Roaming data speed will be adjusted to 128kbps when data usage reaches 1.5GB
Mainland China & Macau Roaming Data:
Unlimited* / 3 days
Roaming data speed will be adjusted to 128kbps when data usage reaches 3GB
Mainland China & Macau Roaming Data:
Unlimited* / 7 days
Roaming data speed will be adjusted to 128kbps when data usage reaches 5GB
Local Data (42Mbps) :
20GB / 365 days
Local Data (42Mbps):
unlimited*/ 30 days
Local data speed will be adjusted to 512kbps when data usage reaches 3GB.
Local Data (42Mbps):
unlimited* / 30 days
Local data speed will be adjusted to 512kbps when data usage reaches 5GB.
Local Data (42Mbps):
unlimited* / 30 days
Local data speed will be adjusted to 512kbps when data usage reaches 8GB.
Local Voice:
2,000 mins / 365 days
Local Voice:
100 mins
Local Voice:
100 mins
Local Voice:
100 mins
Bonus Value: $38
- - -
Card validity 365 days 30 days 30 days 30 days
When data usage reaches upper limit of Fair usage policy. You can still continue to use the service. Fair Usage Policy Applies ( )
Card information
Administration Fee Free of charge
Balance and service status checking *101#
System Features
Call Forwarding Local airtime charge
Call Filtering Service $0^ $22 / 30-day (auto-renew every 30 days)
^ Promotion till 31 Mar, 2025
Local Caller Number Display Free of charge
Roaming Caller Number Display Free of charge
AR = Auto Renew

Mobile Data Service

Local Data Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”) - 42Mbps
Validity Charges & Data Subscription Code
$38 / 1GB


$68 / 8GB
● Free 2000 local minutes


$148 / 60GB
● Free 2000 local minutes


$188 / 85GB
● Free 2000 local minutes
$208 / 130GB
● Free 2000 local minutes
Local Data Plan (“UDP”) ~ 42Mbps 
Validity Charges Data Subscription Code
1-Hour1 $8 Unlimited
After reaching 20GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 512kbps.
1-Day1 $28 *101*453*2#
7-DayAR, 1 $38 *101*453*3#
60-DayAR $88 Unlimited
After reaching 120GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 512kbps.
Free 2,000 local minutes + Free Midnight3 Local Data (21Mbps)

AR = Auto Renew
Check Package Status: *101#

Terms and Conditional of Mobile Data Service:
  1. You can subscribe any Unlimited Data Plan (“UDP”) while activation pack is still activated, but the data from activation pack will be used up first. . Once the data usage from activation pack has been used up, our Data usage will be deducted from Unlimited Data Plans (“UDP”). The Validity of Unlimited Data Plan (“UDP”) will not be extended.
  2. When 60-Day UDP auto-renewed, the local voice minutes will be accumulated to the next 60 days, max 10,000 minutes. Any unused Data usage or local voice minutes of Data Plan would be forfeited upon expiry of Data Plan validity period.
  3. After you have reached data usage of Fair Usage Level of Unlimited Data Plan “UDP”, you can still continue to use the service. However, your network speed specification will be capped at 512kbps. "21Mbps Midnight Local Data" ("Midnight Local Data") refers to the local data usage between 11pm and 7am the next day, and will not be deducted from the designated 60-Day plan. When the Midnight Local Data usage reached 100GB, you can still continue to use the service. However, your network speed specification will be capped at 512kbps. For details, please visit
  4. 1-hour data plan includes a continuous 60-minute session upon your subscription. 1-day and 365-say passes are based on a continuous 24-hours per day.
  5. While any Unlimited Data Plan (“UDP”) is activated, you may subscribe other Unlimited Data Plans (“UDP”). The Fair Usage Level will be reset from subscription date of new subscribed “Unlimited Data Plan”.
  6. While any Unlimited Data Plan (“UDP”) is activated, you may subscribe more than one Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”). The data from Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”) will be used up first. Once the data usage from Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”) has been used up, our Data usage will be deducted from Unlimited Data Plans (“UDP”). The Validity of Unlimited Data Plan (“UDP”) & Data Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”) will not be extended.
  7. You may subscribe more than one Data Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”). The validity of Volume-Based plan (“VBP”) will be started immediately. The data from Volume-Based Plan (“VBP”) with shorter validity will be consumed first.
  8. To unsubscribe: dial *101#453*3# for $38 UDP, *101#835*20# for $88 UDP.

csl Wi-Fi
How to use:
Subscribe one of the Mobile Data Service
Switch on the Wi-Fi and select network CSL
Open Internet browser and go to any website, it will automatically redirect to the login page.
Select "Discover HK Tourist SIM/Prepaid SIM Cards“, enter Mobile Number Password, and one-time Password to login to the service.
After login, a new offline window will pop-up to let you terminate the connection. Do not close the offline window. To terminate your csl Wi-Fi session, simply click the "Disconnect" button.
If you have accidentally closed the Disconnect pop-up window, please go to and click "Disconnect" to logout.
  1. If not yet setup password, dial *111# on your mobile device and follow the instructions to obtain your password
  2. Hotspot search: visit > Wi-Fi hotspot
  3. csl Wi-Fi service is provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited subject to the terms and conditions of csl Wi-Fi service, available at To know more about csl Wi-Fi hotspots and coverage, please visit

csl VoLTE Service (Prepaid SIM card customers)

csl VoLTE Service, which brings voice call and video call to a brand new generation! VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) means connection of voice and video call through 4G LTE network. As a valuable csl customer, you can now enjoy a FREE upgrade to experience voice call with speedy connection and video call with high quality!
Benefit of using VoLTE
Facilitates faster voice-call connections. What used to take around 7 seconds on a 3G network is now as fast as 1 second, if both parties are using VoLTE. Even so it just takes around 4 seconds if using 3G network.
Click the “Video Call” icon/button during a VoLTE call to switch between voice and video calls – instantly, simply and quickly(applicable only to some Android models).
Must have items for using VoLTE:
VoLTE-compatible handset
Upgrade handset software to the latest version (applicable to Android phones. Please update the software to the latest version according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for settings).
Activate the handset’s VoLTE function:
VoLTE service is only available under 4G LTE network coverage for intra-network calls with designated handsets.
Video call is a chargeable service, usage will be rounded up to the nearest minute. There is no additional charge for using VoLTE for video calls.
VoLTE Video call is only available when both users are using VoLTE service.
For enquiries, please call 179179.

Voice Call, IDD, SMS, Video Call

Local voice First 200 minutes of every
calendar month
21:00 – 08:59 $0.06 / Minute
09:00 – 20:59 $0.12 / Minute
After 200 minutes $0.25 / Minute
IDD 001^*
(Additional local airtime charge
$0.025 / 6 seconds applies)
(With effect from 1 Nov 2023)
Destination Charge (/6 seconds)
China $0.099
Indonesia (Fixed) $0.057
Indonesia (Fixed-Jakata) $0.034
Indonesia (Mobile) $0.057
Indonesia (Mobile - Telkomsal) $0.104
Indonesia (Other) $1.580
Macau $0.235
Philippines (Fixed) $0.120
Philippines (Mobile) $0.113
Taiwan (Fixed) $0.050
Taiwan (Mobile) $0.088
Details for other destinations, please click here.
^ Both IDD and local charge are calculated on a per 6 seconds basis.
* The minimum charge is ONE minute for both local airtime charge & IDD charge.

Video Call Tariff
Intra Network (CSL customers) $1/minute
Inter Network (Other Network) $2/minute

SMS, MMS (/ Message) Destination Tariff
Local Intra-network $0.3
Inter-network $0.7
International China $1.5
Other countries $1.8
MMS Local $1/MMS
International $3/MMS
Roaming SMS $3 / SMS
Terms and Conditions of Voice Call, IDD, SMS and Video Call:
  1. An additional $ 0.015/6 seconds local airtime charge applies for IDD calls. (With effect from 1 Aug 2023, an additional $ 0.025/6 seconds local airtime charge applies for IDD calls.
  2. IDD call charges are calculated per 6 seconds. csl has the right to change IDD / roaming rates or coverage from time to time without prior notification to the customer. Please call the customer hotline 179179 for details.
  3. Intra-network SMS is text SMS sent within the Hong Kong to prepaid customers PCCW-HKT prepaid customers, 1O1O, csl and SUN Mobile subscribers. Intra-network video calls are video calls made within Hong Kong to other one2free prepaid customers, PCCW-HKT prepaid customers, 1O1O, csl and SUN Mobile subscribers.
  4. IDD/Video call/SMS rates can be changed at any time without prior notification. For further information, please contact our hotline at 179 179.
  5. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to terminate or change this offer, Service Package or terms and conditions at any time without prior notice and reserves the right to make final decisions in the event of a dispute. In the event of a conflict between the English and Indonesian versions of the Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  6. We reserve the right to terminate your mobile service without prior notice if your remaining balance is $0 or less and no usage in past consecutive 3 months.

International Roaming

Roaming Day Pass: (Effective from 4 Jul 2024)
Applicable Destination
Subscription Code
Mainland China, Macau, Taiwan,
Philippines and Indonesia
2-day $28 / Unlimited
After reaching 1GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
3-day $58 / Unlimited
After reaching 3GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
7-day $88 / Unlimited
After reaching 5GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
30-day $48 / Unlimited
After reaching 2GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
$148 / 6GB
(free 10GB local data)
$248 / 12GB
(free 20GB local data + 2,000 local minutes)
Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Australia and New Zealand3,4 8-day $78 / Unlimited
After reaching 3GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
15-day $108 / Unlimited
After reaching 5GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
Japan, South Korea,USA and Canada3,4 8-day $98 / Unlimited
After reaching 3GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.
15-day $148 / Unlimited
After reaching 5GB of data usage, network specification will be lowered to 128kbps.

Terms and Conditions of Roaming Data Pass
Roaming Voice Pass
Roaming Voice Pass Validity Charges & Entitlement Subscription Code
Mainland China, Macau 365 Days $28 / 20 minutes *101*838*1#
Terms and Conditions of Roaming Voice Pass

Usage checking: *101#

Roaming Voice tariff

Roaming Service Charges
Region Roaming Destinations Receiving calls / Outgoing calls to
HK / local roaming (Per minute)
Call others (Per minute)
China / Macau $3 $18

Other Regions
Asia Pacific destinations Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Vietnam $3 $18
Europe Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy,
Netherland, Norway, Slovak Republic,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
UK, Austria, Croatia, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg,
Poland, Portugal, Russia, Turkey
$8 $18
USA, Canada $8 $18
Other destinations $18
△ For details of other destinations covered by csl prepaid roaming voice service, please click here.

  1. Making local calls in roaming countries/territory: *108*001(Country/Territory Code)(Area Code)(Local Tel. No.)#
  2. Making calls to other countries/territories: *108*001(Country/Territory Code)(Area Code)(Local Tel. No. in other countries)# 
  3. International roaming calls are charged on a per minute basis. Airtime will be deducted in units of 1 minute once you answer the return from our system, even if the called number is busy or unanswered.

Roaming Voice Call:   Details

Recharge Bonus and Methods

Short Code: Dial *109* < Voucher Code> # SEND
Hotline: Call 171111 from your mobile phone and follow the instructions
Web page:
Check balance: *101# SEND

Promotion Offer - Get up to $ 30 bonus for every Recharge
Recharge Voucher Bonus value Bonus minutes Extension of card validity (count from top-up date)
$20 Hemat-Voucher-20 $6 20 local minutes 365 days
$50 Hemat-Voucher-50 $15 300 local minutes 365 days
$100 Hemat-Voucher-100 $30 1000 local minutes 365 days

* Promotion till 31 Mar, 2025

Terms and Conditions of Recharge Bonus:
  1. The 30% Recharge Bonus will be credited to the Hemat Customer’s account once customer has successfully recharged his/her account with the respective Voucher denomination shown in the table above. Example: If a Hemat Customer recharges his account with a $20 voucher, he will get a total of $26 stored-value ($20 top up value plus $6 bonus value).
  2. All Recharge Bonuses cannot be exchanged for cash, products, services or other offers.
  3. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to terminate or change the offer and/or these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event of disputes, the decision of CSL Mobile Limited shall be final.
  4. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Indonesian versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

"First Recharge Bonus” Offer
From 20 Apr, 2023 to 31 Mar, 2025, Customers can get 20GB local data (Validity: 30 Days) for FREE upon the first recharge with $100 or above!

Terms and Conditions:
  1. "First Recharge Bonus” is only applicable to HK Mobi Prepaid SIM customers.
  2. The promotion period of the "First Recharge Bonus” will be valid from 20 Apr, 2023 to 31 Mar, 2025 (“Promotion Period”).
  3. Upon the first recharge $100 or above during the Promotion Period, 20GB local data (Validity: 30 Days) will be granted.
  4. Free local data will be deducted in priority.
  5. Each customer can only enjoy the "First Recharge Bonus" once.
  6. The services are subject to amendment without notice. csl reserve the right of final decision.

Sales hotline: 9102 9500

Sales channels
District Address
Mong Kok Shop F, G/F, 746-748 Nathan Road
Shop 3, G/F 163-173 Portland Street
Shop 206, 2/F Pioneer Centre, 750 Nathan Road
Shop G76, G/F Sin Tat Plaza, 83 Argyle Street
Yau Ma Tei Side of Bell House, 525-543A Nathan Road, (Yau Ma Tei Exit A1)
Hung Hom Shop 19A, Hung Hom Plaza, Whampoa Estate
To Kwa Wan G/F, 317A Tokwawan Road
G/F, 40A Chi Kiang Street
Shop G28, G/F Hung Hom Square, 37-39 Ma Tau Wai Road
Cheung Sha Wan Shop D4, G/F Koon Wing Building, 353-357 Un Chau Street
Lai Chi Kok Shop 38B,2/F The Pacifica Mall, 9 Sham Shing Rd
Sham Shui Po G/F, 188 Un Chau Street (Boundary of  Pratas Street)
San Po Kong Shop F, Man Yue Mansion, 34 Shung Ling Street, 
Mei Foo Shop 97B,G/F Phase 4, 80-86 Broadway Street 
Lok Fu Shop 3115, Lok Fu Place, Lok Fu Estate
Wong Tai Sin Shop 129B, 1/F Temple Mall South,  Wong Tai Sin Estate
Choi Hung Shop B110, G/F Choi Wan Shopping Centre Phase III, Choi Wan (I) Estate
Kowloon Bay Shop F18A, Telford Plaza 1
Kwun Tong Shop 1A12, 1/F Yue Man Square of Grand Central, 33 Hip Wo Street
Shop M48, Kwun Tong Plaza, No. 68 Hoi Yuen Road
New Territories
Sha Tin Shop 217,2/F Sha Kok Shopping Centre, Sha Kok Estate
Tai Wai Shop NP1, Tai Wai Market
Sheung Shui Shop 2081, 2/F, Sheung Shui Centre
Shop A1, 36 San Lok Street
Shop 58,  Lung Fung Shopping Cnetre
Fanling G/F, 15C Wo Fung Street, Luen Wo Market
Shop L21C, Sheung Shui Town Centre, 9 Chi Cheong Rood
Yuen Long G/F,129 Castle Peak Road (next to Crocodile)
G/F 10 Kwan Tak House, Hong King Street
Shop 5B, G/F Cheung Fat Building, 30 Yu King Square
Shop 1B, G/F 211-223 Castle Peak Road
Shop 1C,G/F 1 Sau Fu Street
Tin Shui Wai Shop C86C, 1/F Kingswood Richly Plaza, 1 Tin Wu Road
Shop 122, Tin Chak Shopping Centre, Tin Chak Estate
Shop 1072, 1/F One Sky Mall, No. 8 Tin Sau Road
Tuen Mun Shop S02, G/F Eldo Court, 132 Heung Sze Wui Road
Shop 40A, 1/F Waldorf Arcade, 1 Tuen Lee Street
Shop A53, G/F Goodrich Shopping Arcade, 9 Leung Tak Street
Kwai Chung Room B, 17/F , Wing Cheung Industrial Building
Shop C100(04), 2/F , Kwai Chung Plaza
Tsuen Wan Shop A83, 1/F Nan Fung Centre, Nos. 264-298 Castle Peak Road
Room 308,T Mark 10-20 Tai Ho Road, 
Shop GA24, Ground Floor, Tsuen Fung Centre
Tung Chung Shop YT22, Yat Tung Shopping Centre, 8 Yat Tung Street
Tseung Kwan O Shop 45A, 1st Floor, Metro Station, 8 King Ling Road
Ma On Shan Shop 3211, MOS Town , No. 18 On Luk Street
Tai Po Ground Floor, 21B, Fortune Plaza, No. 4 On Chee Road,
Hong Kong
Aberdeen Shop A,Ground Floor, Kam Tseuk Mansion, Nos. 1-3 Ka Wo Street, 
Sheung Wan Shop 290, 2nd Floor, Shun Tak Centre
Wan Chai Ground Floor, Shop 2, 7 Fleming Road
Ground Floor, Shop C, 128 Johnston Road
Shop 260, 2nd Floor, Wanchai Computer Centre
Causeway Bay Ground Floor, Shop A, 29 Great George Street
Ground Floor, Shop D2, 2 Pak Sha Road
North Point Ground Floor, D1, Yik Hon Building, 72 Chai Wan Road
Ground Floor, Shop 20B, 193-209 King's Road
Ground Floor, Shop 24, Wah Lai Shopping Centre, 7 Kam Hang Street
Shop U20, Fit Port, 560 King's Road
Taikoo Shop F27B, 1st Floor, North Block, Kornhill Plaza
Quarry Bay Shop 108, East Pavilion, 1010-1056 King's Road
Shau Kei Wan Ground Floor, Shop G4, 23 Nam On Street
Sai Wan Ho Ground Floor, 138 Shau Kei Wan Road
Chai Wan 4th Floor, Shop 18A, New Jade Shopping Arcade, 233 Chai Wan Road
Shop G43, Winner Centre
Siu Sai Wan UG 37B,Island Resort Mall, 28 Siu Sai Wan Road



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