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csl Direct Carrier Billing
csl Direct Carrier Billing
Direct Carrier Billing (App Store and Apple Music) Terms & Conditions: (Effective from 20 September 2023)
  • Direct Carrier Billing Services is a Value Added Service for designated personal customers of csl service plans (Except Tertiary Student U-Plan) (“Service”).
  • The Service is only available with compatible devices.
  • All App Store, Apple Music, iTunes and iCloud purchases are made at Apple Inc. (“Apple”) Prevailing App Store, Apple Music, iTunes and iCloud. Terms & Conditions apply.
  • The Service can be used to settle payment for purchases made at App Store, Apple Music, iTunes and iCloud (“Purchases”). Purchase amounts will be charged to your csl monthly bill.
  • The App Store & Apple Music Direct Carrier Billing Service is subject to a spending limit in each bill month for each service plan (which is to be shared by Google Play) as below:
    Duration subscribed to csl service plan Customers with service fee payment by Autopay Customers with service fee payment not by Autopay
    0 - 3 months $500 $300
    4 – 12 months $2,000 $500
    13 – 24 months $3,000 $1,000
    25 months or above $4,000
    (up to $4,500 for selected customer)
    (up to $2,500 for selected customer)
  • Customer can check the latest spending limit via the csl app
  • Customer may apply to us for review of the limit by calling our service hotline (2512 3123). The decision of CSL on the spending limit is final.
  • If a customer’s purchase amount exceeds the spending limit of the billing period, payment cannot be settled using the service.
  • Any download of content from App Store and iTunes and use of the service will incur data charges at the prevailing rate, or mobile data consumed will be deducted from subscription plan entitlements, and charged at the prevailing rate thereafter. Standard roaming data charges apply while using the Service and App Store , iTunes, iCloud and Apple Music outside Hong Kong.
  • CSL is not liable to the customers for the Purchases, any refund request must follow Apple’s refund policy. For assistant, please call Hong Kong Apple Care Hotline (852) 2112 0099 or visit
  • The customer agrees to be bound by Apple’s Terms of Service.
  • Any Clubpoints earned by using the Service is subject to Terms & Conditions as dictated by Club HKT Limited, available at
  • CSL reserves the right to change or terminate the service or these Terms & Conditions at any time without notice. In the event of dispute, our decision shall be final.
  • In the event of inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.

Google Play Direct Carrier Billing Terms & Conditions: (Effective from 20 September 2023)
  • Google Play Direct Carrier Billing (“Service”) is a Value Added Service for designated personal customers of csl service plans (Except Tertiary Student U-Plan and pre-paid card).
  • The Service is only available with compatible devices.
  • All Google Play purchases are made at Google. Prevailing Google Play Terms & Conditions apply.
  • The service can be used to settle payment when purchasing apps, games, books or rental movies from Google Play. Purchase amounts will be charged to your csl monthly bill.
  • The Google Play Direct Carrier Billing Service is subject to a spending limit in each bill cycle for each service plan (which is to be shared by App Store & Apple Music) as below:
    Duration subscribed to csl service plan Customers with service fee payment by Autopay Customers with service fee payment not by Autopay
    0 - 3 months $500 $300
    4 – 12 months $2,000 $500
    13 – 24 months $3,000 $1,000
    25 months or above $4,000
    (up to $4,500 for selected customers)
    (up to $2,500 for selected customers)
  • Customer can check the latest spending limit via the csl app.
  • Customer may apply to us for review of the limit by calling our service hotline (2512 3123). The decision of CSL Mobile Limited (“CSL”) on the spending limit is final.
  • If a customer’s purchase amount exceeds the spending limit of the billing period, payment cannot be settled using the service.
  • CSL reserves the rights to update the spending limit regularly and without giving the customers any advance notice. The latest spending limit will be published at CSL website from time to time.
  • Any download of content from Google Play and use of the service will incur data charges at the prevailing rate, or deducted from subscription plan entitlements, and charged at the prevailing rate thereafter. Standard roaming data charges apply while using the service and Google Play abroad.
  • CSL shall not be liable for any purchases made by the customer. Refund of purchase charges can be performed only by the developers of the app or Google. The service provided by CSL serves only as a method of payment. If a refund is required, the customer must contact the app developer or Google directly. Any refund request must follow Google’s refund policy  (
  • The customer agrees to be bound by Google’s Terms of Service. For details of the agreement, please go to:
  • Any Clubpoints earned by using the Service is subject to Terms & Conditions as dictated by Club HKT Limited, available at
  • CSL reserves the right to change or terminate the service or these Terms & Conditions at any time without notice. In the event of dispute, our decision shall be final.
  • Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
  • In the event of inconsistency or ambiguity between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.


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