Exceptional Offers Exclusive to mobileOne customers!
Each mobileOne customer enjoys a series of exclusive privileges, rewards and premium customer service throughout the year.

Dedicated Service Hotline |
Simply call 1000 to get priority customer service exclusive to mobileOne customers, offering ONE-STOP full customer services, available 24 hours a day to meet all customers' needs. This covers one2free/csl mobile service, residential telephone line, IDD, NETVIGATOR broadband and now TV services.
Local Directory Inquiries and Free Call Connect |
Call Consumer Service Hotline 1000 to enjoy local directory inquiries and free call connect service. Giving customers great convenience of making restaurant and entertainment reservations. Freeing customers to enjoy life!
Priority Service & One-on-One Demonstrations |
Simply visit the mobileOne counter located at any of our Customer Service Centers to enjoy priority customer service. Exclusive One-on-One demonstrations for customers to get the most out of smartphone or tablet as well as exclusive one2free/csl mobile service apps.
Free enrollment in different workshops, such as for the latest smartphone or tablet models, different operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows) and exclusive one2free/csl mobile service apps.
Click here for free workshop enrollment.
Exclusive Roaming Support |
If customers encounter any difficulty with one2free/csl mobile service while overseas, our International toll-free hotline is available in 32 countries/destinations to provide customers 24/7 round-the-clock support all year round, giving customers peace of mind when travelling abroad.
International Toll-free Hotlines:
Dialing from mobile: + 852 2888 8333^
Dialing from fixed line: |
Destination |
Dialing number |
Destination |
Dialing number |
Australia |
0011-800-2888 8333 |
Japan |
001-010-800-2888 8333 (KDDI) |
0033-010-800-2888 8333 (NTT) |
0061-010-800-2888 8333 (Softbank) |
Austria |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Belgium |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Brazil |
0021-800-2888 8333 |
Canada |
011-800-2888 8333 |
China |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Denmark |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Finland |
990-800-2888 8333 |
France |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Germany |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Hawaii |
011-800-2888 8333 |
India |
000-800-852 1252 |
Indonesia |
001-803-852 8456 |
Ireland |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Israel |
014-800-2888 8333 |
Italy |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Macau |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Malaysia |
00-800-2888 8333 |
New Zealand |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Norway |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Philippines |
00-800-2888 8333 (PLDT) |
Portugal |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Singapore |
00-800-2888 8333 |
South Korea |
001-800-2888 8333 |
Spain |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Sweden |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Switzerland |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Taiwan |
00-800-2888 8333 |
Thailand |
001-800-2888 8333 |
UK |
00-800-2888 8333 |
011-800-2888 8333 |
Notes: |
^ |
Only local roaming airtime charges apply. Roaming IDD charges to Hong Kong are waived |
- |
If customers find any problem using mobile phone or fixed line access to above hotlines, please call +852 1000 for service support. Roaming charge will be applied |
Peace of Mind While Travelling in China |
If customers lose handset in mainland China, just use a fixed line to call our International toll-free hotline on 00-800-2888 8333. We will send a dedicated courier to deliver a loan handset to customers, along with a standard 3G SIM card replacement for FREE, ensuring customers a worry-free journey.
Service details:
- Delivery locations: City area of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhongshan, Foushan, Zhuhai and Dongguan
- Delivery time: Within 1 to 2 mainland China working day(s) (based on distance between locations) on receipt of customers' call. Our representative will deliver the handset to customers
- Handset loan period is 2 weeks (mobileOne customers can enjoy exclusive rental exemption of HK$300)
- Each customer can enjoy this service twice a year
Entitle to a special discount once a year to purchase a latest handset.
Specially-selected Services |
Enjoy priority trials of our latest value-added services and special offers.
Exemption From Service Fees |
Exclusive exemptions from administration fees of after-sale mobile services include SIM card replacement and change of mobile phone numbers.
mobileOne Terms & Conditions:
- Enrollment by invitation only.
- Only one2free/csl mobile service customers are eligible. Privileges are valid for 12 months only.
- Offers are subject to change without prior notice. csl Mobile HK Limited reserves the right of final determination.
- mobileOne Terms & Conditions details
* Note: The above female staff uniform is designed by Margaret Ha, Amage Co. Ltd.
Terms & Conditions
- Participation in mobileOne is by invitation only.
- Privileges of mobileOne are personal to the selected customer and will be valid for 12 months commencing from the date of the invitation. The privileges of mobileOne are exclusive and
- All service waivers, rewards and cash vouchers of mobileOne are not exchangeable for or convertible into other rewards, refunds or cash under any circumstances.
- To collect a gift or to redeem any offer, mobileOne customer is required to present the original redemption letter and the mobileOne customer's Hong Kong Identity card at the assigned redemption outlets specified in the redemption letter or other communication materials.
- The Company is not responsible for lost or stolen rewards, reward vouchers or certificates of the merchant participating in any promotion.
- All offers under mobileOne cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
- The Company reserves the right to change, cancel or substitute for the service waviers, rewards, cash vouchers and these terms and conditions without prior notice.
- The privileges shall terminate upon:
(a) fraudulent / unlawful activities of any member;
(b) breach of any of these Terms and Conditions by member; or
(c) termination of the mobile services.
- The company is entitled to terminate any mobileOne privileges by giving notice to the customer.
- In case of any dispute, the Company's interpretation and decision as to the applicable terms and conditions and amended or supplemental terms shall be final and conclusive.