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PCCW-HKT 3G IDD Rechargeable SIM Card (Now rebranded to csl) 3G

csl mobile $68 3G IDD Rechargeable SIM Card csl mobile $98 3G IDD Rechargeable SIM Card

  Service Charges (HK$)
 Local Calls1 $0.25 / min
 IDD Calls1 IDD 001 / IDD 0060 charges  + Local Call Charge2
 Local Video Call1 Intra Network $1.0 / min
Other Mobile Network $2.0 / min
 International  Video Call1
(3G Service will be ended on 31 May, 2021)
Australia, Singapore, Macau, Malaysia, Japan, Mainland China, South Korea & Thailand $8.0 / min
United Kingdom, Taiwan, Philippines, New Zealand,
Saudi Arabia & Russia
$9.0 / min
Indonesia $12.0 / min
 Local SMS3 Intra Network $0.1 / SMS
Inter Network $0.7 / SMS
 International  SMS3 China $0.5 / SMS
Other countries $1.8 / SMS
 Local Data4 $3 / MB
 csl Wi-Fi 15 minutes5 $3
Daily Cap6 $20
Monthly Cap7 $158
 MMS8 Incoming & Outgoing MMS in Hong Kong $ 3 / MB~
Incoming & Outgoing MMS in other countries $0.12 KB
 International  Roaming Voice Call9 Roaming Charge
SMS3 Local / International SMS charges + $4 / SMS
Data10 $0.12 / KB
 Local Call Forwarding Local airtime charges
 International Call Forwarding1 IDD 001 + Local Call Charge2
 Unconditional Call Forwarding Package11 $15 / 30 days
 Caller Number Display Free
 Voice Mail12 $5 / 30 days
 Call Waiting Local airtime charges apply for each line
 Conference Call Local airtime charges apply for each line
 MTR/Tunnels/Mobile License/ Administration Fee13 $2.5 / month

~ To subscribe : Dial *131#

Please refer to "Charging Mechanism" for details of the remarks.

International Roaming+

You can make calls to Hong Kong, within the same country/territory, or to other countries/territories when you are overseas.

After pressing the requisite key string, you'll receive a message saying "Thank you for using our service. The number you’ve dialed is being connected, please wait". Wait for your phone to ring, and answer it. You will then be connected to the called party. The roaming service has been enabled by default in this Rechargeable SIM Card. Customers can take the action to prevent handsets from switching to mainland China-based mobile networks while in Hong Kong, thereby incurring unnecessary roaming charges. Temporarily suspend the roaming service with the following shortcodes:

+ If you have to make or receive calls while roaming, please cancel all local/international call forwarding functions.

Video Call Services

Simply pick up your 3G handset and make video calls to your friends, families or business partners and talk face-to-face with them.
• Make local video call: Dial [Hong Kong Mobile Number]
• Make overseas video call: Dial [001] /  [+] [Country / Territory Code] [Mobile Number] International video call rates are applicable only to calls made to mobile phones using overseas 3G networks.
Roaming Video Call Services is not supported on this rechargeable SIM

csl Wi-Fi

Use a Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11b/g/n/ac) enabled device at csl Wi-Fi hotspots to experience the fastest wireless broadband connectivity.

Hotspot Search:

Visit > Hotspot location

1. Go to csl Wi-Fi hotspots, and set the Network Name (SSID/ESSID) to "csl"
2. Launch your internet browser
3. Type any valid URL into the address field and you will be redirected to the csl Wi-Fi login page automatically
4. Login to the service:
   i) Choose "Discover HK Tourist SIM/Prepaid SIM Cards".
   ii) Enter your mobile number and PIN to login to the service.
5. After login, a new offline window will pop-up to let you terminate the connection. Do not close the offline window. To terminate your csl Wi-Fi session, simply click the "Disconnect" button.
6. If you have accidentally closed the Disconnect pop-up window, please go to and click "Disconnect" to logout.

Please visit for csl Wi-Fi service details and terms & conditions.

Check account balance and validity
Press ##122# SEND

Charging Mechanism
  1. Local calls, IDD calls, video calls and International Call Forwarding calls are charged on a per minute basis.
  2. Local airtime charges apply when using IDD service and International Call Forwarding.
  3. Each SMS holds 160 English or 70 Chinese characters, including spaces. If your message exceeds this limitation, we will help you to truncate it into multiple SMS and each SMS will be charged.
  4. Local data is charged on a per-MB basis. Please ensure the data connection is disabled when you are not using the service to avoid unnecessary charges.
  5. Wi-Fi is charged on a per 15-minute basis. Usage of less than 15 minutes will be charged with 15-minute fee. Multiple logins to Wi-Fi is allowed within the 15 minute session.
  6. Cut-off time for Wi-Fi daily cap is 23:59. New daily cap starts at 00:00.
  7. Cut-off point for Wi-Fi monthly cap is the last day of each calendar month. New monthly cap starts on the first day of each calendar month.
  8. Both incoming and outgoing MMS are charged on a per-MB basis. If MMS is downloaded / sent during roaming, roaming data charges apply.
  9. International roaming calls are charged on a per minute basis. Airtime will be deducted in units of 1 minute once you answer the return call from our system, even if the called number is busy or unanswered.
  10. Roaming data is charged on a per-20KB basis. Cambodia and U.A.E provide 3G service.
  11. No local airtime charges applied for Unconditional Call Forwarding Package. Local call forwarding when busy, unanswered and unreachable are not included in the package. The package will be renewed automatically every 30 days and related package charge will be deducted from your account.
  12. When accessing Voice Mail via a mobile phone, airtime is charged. Roaming charges apply when retrieving voice mails from outside Hong Kong. The Voice Mail package will be renewed automatically every 30 days and related package charge will be deducted from your account.
  13. MTR/Tunnels/Mobile License/Administration Fee of $2.5 will be deducted automatically from your account on a per-month basis.
  14. If the subscribed packages cannot be renewed successfully due to insufficient balance in your account, the related packages will be cancelled. Please re-subscribe to the packages after recharge.
  15. Any dispute over value or usage should be raised with csl within one month.
  16. A $30 service fee will be charged for each copy of the call details relating to the current month.
  17. Usage records maintained by csl shall, in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive evidence.
  18. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to amend the tariff and the related charges.  Please call the service hotline for tariff details.
  19. All csl services may be subject to QoS Measures.

^ After you have reached 15GB of mobile data usage (the monthly fair usage level per calendar month), you can still continue to use the service. However, your network specification will be lowered to 128kbps. CSL Mobile Limited complies with OFCA’s Guidelines for the Implementation of Fair Usage Policy for the Provision of Mobile and Fixed Broadband Services and will not at any time cap your data network specification below 128kbps. You will receive an SMS notification once you have reached 15GB and the fair usage policy is in place. Actual speeds that customers experience are considerably less than the specifications and will be affected by the device used, locations, network conditions and other extraneous factors.

Service Hotline 1833 803



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