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Recharge method 

Recharge your account before the expiry date and keep using the same mobile number!


Recharge voucher
csl $50 Recharge Voucher csl $100 Recharge Voucher csl $200 Recharge Voucher csl $300 Recharge Voucher

Recharge vouchers are $50, $100, $200 and $300. Purchase a voucher at any csl shop, 24-hour convenience store or csl authorized dealer. Additional value will be credited to your account immediately.

Denomination Instant bonus value Validity
$50 $5 180 days
$100 $10 180 days
$200 $40 180 days
$300 $90 180 days
  • csl Recharge vouchers are applicable to both csl 2G Rechargeable SIM Card and csl 3G Rechargeable SIM Card
  • These vouchers are not applicable for recharging csl Hello Prepaid SIM Card
  • Vouchers can be used in Hong Kong
  • Recharged values are credited to your account
  • Use your mobile to dial ##124*, the password on your voucher and #
  • To check balance, dial ##122#.

HSBC/ Hang Seng Bank ATM Terminal

Via ATM, please select "csl Mobile Service" and bill type "22", then enter your mobile phone number as your account number and follow the instructions to complete the process. Additional value will be credited to your account within 3 working days. To avoid the expiry of the rechargeable SIM card, please recharge before 3 business days before the expiry date of the card.



Recharge via PPS hotline18031 or Select Merchant code"9591", enter your mobile number and "#" then follow the rest of the instructions. The additional value will be credited to your account within 3 working days.


Recharging online

You can recharge your SIM card at any time via Internet.


csl's Easy TopUp app 

csl's Easy TopUp app

csl's Easy TopUp app allows instant topping up of your csl Rechargeable SIM card on your handset via an Internet banking* facility for a specific Hong Kong bank account.

Click here for the page of the csl's Easy TopUp app.
csl's Easy TopUp service cannot be used to recharge csl Hello Prepaid SIM Cards.

* Currently supports to the Internet banking of Bank of China(Hong Kong) Limited. for registration for the Mobile Direct Debit Payment Service only.


Recharge less than $50, the remaining balance in your account will be reset for 30 days only.
The maximum stored balance on the rechargeable SIM card is HK$3,000, the system will not accept any recharge exceeds the limitation.


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