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USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand Roaming Data SIM Card (15 days)(While stock last)

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Face Value $268
SIM Type Nano, Micro, Mini (3-in-1)
USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand Roaming Data Pass (15 days)
(Data pass will be auto subscribed upon card activation)
Applicable destinations: USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.
-Roaming data entitlement: 3GB *
*Promotion offer: Upgrade to total 5GB data roaming until 30 Sep, 2023

-Hong Kong local data entitlement: 1GB
Card Validity (after card activation) 180 days

Top-up Roaming Data 15-Day pass
HK$268 Applicable destinations: USA, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.
- Roaming data entitlement: 3GB*
* Promotion offer: Upgrade to total 5GB data roaming until 30 Sep, 2023
- Hong Kong local data entitlement: 1GB (Unlimited csl Wi-Fi)
- Hong Kong local voice entitlement: Unlimited

Terms and conditions
  1. All entitlement of this card will start deducting since card activation. 15-day Roaming Mobile Data service will be valid for 15 days. The cut-off time is 23:59 (HK time) on the 15 day, regardless of activation time at the roaming destinations. Any unused mobile data entitlement will be forfeited after the cut-off time. CSL Mobile Limited reserves the right to amend tariffs and related charges.
  2. Roaming data service of this prepaid is applicable for designated destination as mentioned as above and via selected roaming operators only. The selected destination and operators will be updated from time to time.
  3. You may subscribe to multiple International roaming data pass simultaneously and the validity of all passes will be extended to 23:59 HK Time (GMT+8:00) of the "n" day. "n" means the number of Day International roaming data pass subscribed simultaneously. You may use the Roaming Mobile Data usage included in all the passes at any time during the extended validity period.



Internet access setting

This card contained mobile data usage, simply plug and use! No subscription is needed.  If you cannot access the Internet via our mobile network, please check your Internet access setting on your mobile phone, selecting "mobile" as Access Point Name (APN) and leaving the proxy server address and proxy server port blank.


csl VoLTE Service (Prepaid SIM card customers)
csl VoLTE Service, which brings voice call and video call to a brand new generation! VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) means connection of voice and video call through 4G LTE network. As a valuable csl customer, you can now enjoy a FREE upgrade to experience voice call with speedy connection and video call with high quality!
Benefit of using VoLTE
Facilitates faster voice-call connections. What used to take around 7 seconds on a 3G network is now as fast as 1 second, if both parties are using VoLTE. Even so it just takes around 4 seconds if using 3G network.
Click the “Video Call” icon/button during a VoLTE call to switch between voice and video calls – instantly, simply and quickly(applicable only to some Android models).
Must have items for using VoLTE:
VoLTE-compatible handset
Upgrade handset software to the latest version (applicable to Android phones. Please update the software to the latest version according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for settings).
Activate the handset’s VoLTE function:
  - iPhone
  - Samsung
  - LG
  - Sony
  - Huawei
   - Xiaomi
VoLTE service is only available under 4G LTE network coverage for intra-network calls with designated handsets.
Video call is a chargeable service, usage will be rounded up to the nearest minute. There is no additional charge for using VoLTE for video calls.
VoLTE Video call is only available when both users are using VoLTE service.
For enquiries, please call 179179.


Recharge Methods

If you want to extend the prepaid SIM card validity, you need to recharge your prepaid SIM card by any if the following method:


  1. Login to 「My Account」( > Top-up,select one of the recharge method as list.

  2. Purchase any recharge vouchers as below and follow the instruction printed on voucher to top up.
    $100 $200 $300


Sales Channel
1O1O csl csl

Please call 179 179 to inquire designated sales channel.

Service Hotline 179 179


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