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Simplify your prepaid SIM management with csl app - Check Usage, Recharge, Subscription

csl APP functions
1. Check card information 1. Check card information
1. Check card information
									1. Check card information
2. Check data usage
									2. Check data usage
2. Check data usage 2. Check data usage
3. Subscribe data packages 
									3. Subscribe data packages
3. Subscribe data packages 3. Subscribe data packages

Login csl APP
1. Scan the QR code to download
									1. Scan the QR code to download
2. Open the app and login 
									2. Open the app and login
3. Enter Mobile No. and password to login 3. Enter Mobile No. and password to login
4. Password can be found on the top right corner of the back of SIM card 
									4. Password can be found on the top right corner of the back of SIM card


Download csl App