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Discover Hong Kong Tourist Prepaid SIM (While stock last)

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csl Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card 

* Promotion is valid to 31 Mar, 2025. Customer can get 2 times of day-pass validity and 4 times of mobile data entitlement by activating “Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card" during the promotion period, i.e. customer can get 32GB mobile data in 30-day or 12GB mobile data in 10-day in HK & Macau, and unlimited voice minutes in Hong Kong .

One card provides mobile data service in Hong Kong & Macau, free csl Wi-Fi and local voice calling in Hong Kong.

Card Activation &
Internet Access Setting
Services & Charges IDD 0060 Service Roaming Service
csl Wi-Fi Service Account Inquiry,
Recharge Bonus & Methods

Card activation & internet access setting:
Auto activate the 5-day / 8-day Pass upon completing Real-name Registration after inserting the card into device.If you cannot access the Internet via our mobile network, please check your Internet access setting on your mobile phone, selecting "mobile" as Access Point Name (APN) and leaving the proxy server address and proxy server port blank.

Services & Charges
Face Value $118 $88
Defaulted Day-pass5 Upgraded to 30-Day pass including 32GB Hong Kong & Macau Data and unlimited Hong Kong Local voice
(Original Defaulted Day-pass is 8-Day with 8GB Hong Kong & Macau Data)
Upgraded to 10-Day pass including 12GB Hong Kong & Macau Data and unlimited Hong Kong Local voice
(Original Defaulted Day-pass is 5-Day with 3GB Hong Kong & Macau Data)
Usable value $48 $30
Other Service
Top-up day Pass6
$48 / 5 day~ including
Hong Kong & Macau data: 3GB
Hong Kong voice call: Unlimited
Free csl Wi-Fi service in Hong Kong
~Dial for subscription:
*101*105*1#, or
*131# (follow instruction)
IDD 0060 Flat rate $0.45/min to selected 35 destinations
SMS (per message) HK Local: $0.3 (intra-network) & $0.7 (inter-network) International: $1.5 (To China) & $1.8 (Others)
Mainland China, Macau &
Taiwan Roaming Data Pass7
$48 / 500MB / 3 day Subscription: *101*601*3#
$98 / 1GB / 7 day Subscription: *101*601*9#
Roaming Voice call
(per min)
From Call to HK Receive call Outgoing Local call Outgoing IDD call
China - ShengZhen $6 $8 $6 $19
China - GuangDong $8 $9 $6
China - Other area $8 $14 $6
Macau $6 $8 $9
Taiwan $9 $9 $9
Call Filtering Service $0^ $22 / 30-day (auto-renew every 30 days)
  Buy now!

^ Promotion till 31 Mar, 2025

How to dial? 0060 +  Country/ Territory Code  +  Area Code +  Phone Number
Applicable 35 destinations & number types:
Call to fixed-line & mobile number Mainland China, Canada, Singapore & USA
Call to fixed-line Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam,


# Calls to UK telephone numbers starting with "001+441534", "001+441481", "001+441624": IDD charge $4.9 (per minute).

Roaming Service

Roaming Voice Call: Details

Data Service Setting Mobile / Data network: set APN as ‘mobile’

(1) International roaming calls are charged on a per minute basis. Airtime will be deducted in units of 1 minute once you answer the return from our system, even if the called number is busy or unanswered.
(2) For Roaming data service, Roaming data is charged on a per 20KB basis. Cut-off time for roaming data day plan is HK time 23:59.


csl Wi-Fi

Featuring high speeds, coverage around Hong Kong, csl Wi-Fi Service connects to the Internet when you’re on the move.

Before you login to use csl Wi-Fi service, you need to:

How to login:

  1. Go to csl Wi-Fi hotspots, and set the Network Name (SSID/ESSID) to "csl".
  2. Launch your internet browser.
  3. Type any valid URL into the address field and you will be redirected to the csl Wi-Fi login page automatically.
  4. >Login to the service:
        i)  Choose "Discover HK Tourist SIM/Prepaid SIM Cards".
        ii) Enter your mobile number and PIN to login to the service.
  5. After login, a new offline window will pop-up to let you terminate the connection. Do not close the offline window. To terminate your csl Wi-Fi session, simply click the "Disconnect" button.
  6. If you have accidentally closed the Disconnect pop-up window, please go to and click "Disconnect" to logout.

csl Wi-Fi service is provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited subject to the terms and conditions of csl Wi-Fi service, available at .To know more about csl Wi-Fi hotspots and coverage, please visit

csl VoLTE Service (Prepaid SIM card customers)
csl VoLTE Service, which brings voice call and video call to a brand new generation! VoLTE (Voice Over LTE) means connection of voice and video call through 4G LTE network. As a valuable csl customer, you can now enjoy a FREE upgrade to experience voice call with speedy connection and video call with high quality!
Benefit of using VoLTE
Facilitates faster voice-call connections. What used to take around 7 seconds on a 3G network is now as fast as 1 second, if both parties are using VoLTE. Even so it just takes around 4 seconds if using 3G network.
Click the “Video Call” icon/button during a VoLTE call to switch between voice and video calls – instantly, simply and quickly(applicable only to some Android models).
Must have items for using VoLTE:
VoLTE-compatible handset
Upgrade handset software to the latest version (applicable to Android phones. Please update the software to the latest version according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for settings).
Activate the handset’s VoLTE function:

VoLTE service is only available under 4G LTE network coverage for intra-network calls with designated handsets.
Video call is a chargeable service, usage will be rounded up to the nearest minute. There is no additional charge for using VoLTE for video calls.
VoLTE Video call is only available when both users are using VoLTE service.
For enquiries, please call 179179.

Account Inquiry, Recharge Bonus^ & Methods
Account inquiry & Service subscription 1. Press *109# for main balance checking
2. Press *101*2# for roaming data usage checking or
3. Login to “My Account”

Recharge Bonus & Validity

Recharge value (per transaction) Bonus^ Card validity extension period
$300 or above 30% of recharge value 180 days
$200 - $299.9 20% of recharge value 180 days
$50 - $199.9 10% of recharge value 180 days
$20 - $49.9 Not applicable 30 days

^ Promotion till 31 Mar, 2025

Click to download leaflet.


Terms & Conditions
Service Hotline 179179


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